It is not a real doctor! ... Example is made for! ... 

Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Degree in 1990 in Ankara 

1994 Koşuyolu Heart Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul Uzmalık (Asia) 

1998 Koşuyolu Heart Education and Research Hospital, Istanbul Professorship (Asia) 

2004 Marmara University Hospital, Istanbul Oncology (Asia) 

Training Certificates 

1999 European Society of Oncology Education won a scholarship. 

In 2001 Thoraxcenter Erasmus University (Rotterdam, Netherlands) worked as a fellow researcher in the department of oncology. 

Career Memberships 

Turkish Medical Association 

Fellow of the European Society of Oncology 

Turkish Oncology Association Board Member; Deputy Secretary-General 

Courses and Seminars 

Courses and Seminars in Oncology Association 

European Oncology Seminar in London 

American Society of Oncology Seminar in New York City 

Medical Publications 

• 11.Rout to the sirolimus-eluting stent Implantation for unselected in-stent restenosis: insights from the rapamycin eluting stent Evaluated at Rotterdam Cardiology Hospital (RESEARCH) registry.sai F, Lemos PA, Arampatzis CA, Ho A, Degertekin M, Tanabe K, S 
• 2.Echocardiographic heart failure symptoms as predictors of love in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy sinus rhythmbayrak F, Kahveci G, Degertekin Me Happy btrials. 2008 Feb 29, 9: 11 
• 1.Prevalen of left main coronary artery disease as among Patients referred to multislice computed tomography coronary examinations.gemic G, Guneysu T, Eroglu E, Flag F, Joy D, Aytac S, Kaya Z, Happy B, Degertekin M. 
• 3.Diagnostic performance of 64-slice tomography coronary angiography to detect stenosis.computed Significant coronary arterybayrak F, Guneysu T, Sailor G, Joy D, Happy B, Aytac S, Degertekin m.act Cardiol. 2008 Feb, 63 (1): 11-7 
• 4.Tissu Doppler imaging to predict clinical course of Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.bayrak F, Kahveci G, Happy B, Sonmez K, Degertekin of Eur J Echocardiog. 2008 Mar; 9 (2): 278-83. 
• 5.Safety and efficacy of patient preparation with intravenous esmolol before 64-slice computed tomography coronary angiography.degertek M, Seaman S, Kaya Z, Flag Guneysu T, Joy D, Happy B, S. Coron Artery Dis Aytaclar. 2008 Feb 19 (1): 33-6 .. 
• 6.Prognostic value of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in Patients with active infective endocarditis.kahvec G, Flag Fun, Happy B, Bitik A, Karaahmet T, Sonmez K, spectral A, Degertekin M, Basaran Y. Am J Cardiol. 2007 May 15; 99 (10): 1429-33. epub 2 
• the multidetect 7.C detector CT angiography coronary artery dissection? Vural M, Akşit Z Kovanlika I, M Degertekin DEMİRTAŞ e.tex Inst Heart J. 2007, 34 (3): 388-9. 
• bifurcation stenting with sirolimus-eluting Following 12.Restenosis rates stents for de novo narrowings. Tanabe K, Ho A, Lemos PA, Aoki J, Arampatzis CA, Saia F, Lee CH, Degertekin M, Hofer SHE, Sianos G, McFadden E, Smits PC, van der Giessen WJ, de Feyter 
• 8.Usefulness of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide to predict clinical course in Patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.mutl B, Bayrak F, Kahveci G, Degertekin M, Eroglu E, Basaran y.a J Cardiol. 2006 Dec 1, 98 (11): 1504-6. Epub 2006 Oct 12 
• 9.Incomplet stent appositio's after Implantation of paclitaxel-eluting stents or bare metal stents: insights from the randomized TAXUS II trial.tanab K, Serruys PW, Degertekin M, Grube E, Guagliu my G, Urbaszek W, Bonnie J, Lablanche JM Siminiak T, Nord 
• 10 in-hospital versus out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Complicating Myocardial Infarction: survival after percutaneous coronary revascularization.le CH, Lemos PA, Degertekin M, Saia F, Tanabe K, Serruys PW. (Int J Cardiol. 2005 Feb 15 , 98 (2): 359-60.) 
Special Data 

He is married and has a child. He speak English.